99 Ways Hypnosis Can Help

Complete List of Hypnosis Sessions Offered

99 Ways Hypnosis Can Help. All NYC Hypnosis Sessions are Available on Skype and FaceTime

The list below contains all the hypnosis sessions we offer. The easiest way to review this list is by using the search bar below to look for the area you would like to work on. Once found you can click on the link and review more details about the session program and how hypnosis can help you.

Have a Challenge that’s Not Listed Here? We Can Help! Call us at 877-800-6443

Accept Yourself – Self-Acceptance
Addictions and Dependency
Alcohol Addiction
Allergies & Allergic Reactions
Anger Management
Anxiety Relief
Approach Women Confidently
Arthritis Relief
Asthma Relief
Baseball Excellence
Basketball Hypnosis
Be More Assertive
Be Punctual, On Time
Become Emotionally Available
Believe in Yourself
Binge Eating
Bipolar Disorder
Body Dysmorphia, Love Your Body
Boost Learning for Kids
Cancer Symptoms
Caregiver Relief
Cell Phone Addiction
Cheek Biting
Chewing Tobacco Addiction
Child Abuse Hypnosis
Child Nightmares and Sleeping in the Dark
Children – Hypnosis Sessions
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
Chronic Pain Relief
Cocaine Addiction
Compulsive Hoarding
Coronavirus Anxiety
Corporate Hypnosis Program
Dating Confidence
Dental Anxiety
Divorce – Move On After
Drug Addiction
Eating Disorders
Eczema Relief
Emotional Eating
Erectile Dysfunction E.D.
Exercise Motivation
Eyelash Pulling
Falling for the Wrong Person
Fear of Abandonment
Fear of Authority Figures
Fear of Bridges
Fear of Change
Fear of Commitment
Fear of Crowds
Fear of Doctors/Hospitals
Fear of Dogs
Fear of Driving
Fear of Elevators
Fear of Failure
Fear of Falling
Fear of Flying
Fear of Germs
Fear of Going Back to Work
Fear of Heights
Fear of Insects
Fear of Needles
Fear of Never Finding True Love
Fear of Pregnancy
Fear of Rejection
Fear of Snakes
Fear of Spiders
Fear of Success
Fear of Terrorism
Fear of the Dark
Fear of Thunder and Lightning
Fear of Violence
Fear of Vomiting
Fear of Water
Fear of Wide Open Spaces – Agoraphobia
Fears Phobias and Anxiety
Financial Abundance
Find Lost Items
Focus and Concentration
Football Hypnosis
Forgive & Move On
Gag Reflex Relief
Gambling Addiction
Get in the Zone
Golf Excellence
Grief, Death, & Loss
Guilt and Shame Release
Habit Control
Heroin Addiction
High Blood Pressure
Hockey Excellence
Hot Flashes
Hypnosis Training & Certification
IBS – Irritable Bowel Syndrome -Relief
Immune System Boost
Infertility – Get Pregnant
Insecurity in Relationships
Insomnia and Sleep Restfully
Internet Addiction
Interview Anxiety
Jaw Clenching, Bruxism
Job Stress
Libido & Sex Drive
Life Between Lives Regression
Life Coaching
Love Addiction
Medical Hypnosis
Memory Improvement
Memory Related Sessions
Mental Toughness
Migraine Relief
Moderate and Mindful Drinking
Motion Sickness
Motivation Enhancement
Move on After an Affair
Musicians and Actors – Hypnosis
Nail Biting
Narcissistic Behavior
Nervous Car Passengers
Nervous Smiling
Nervous Tics and Twitches
Neuropathic Pain Relief
Nightmares – Recurring
Noise Sensitivity
Nose Picking
Obsessive Checking
OCD Relief
Overactive Bladder Relief
Pain Relief
Painkiller Addiction
Panic Attack Relief
Parkinson’s Tremors
Past Life Regression
Past Life Regression Training
Past Trauma Relief
Performance Anxiety Hypnosis
Phone Hypnosis – Webcam Hypnosis
Picky Eaters
PMS Cramping Relief
Pornography Addiction
Postpartum/Postnatal Depression
Pre-Game Nerves
Premature Ejaculation
PTSD Relief
Public Speaking Confidence
Quiet Your Mind
Recover Lost Memories
Reinvent Yourself – Career Change
Relationship Breakup – Overcome and Move Forward
Relationship Improvement
Remember a Bitcoin Password
Road Rage
Running Endurance
Self-Confidence for Kids
Self Criticism Hypnosis
Self Esteem Boost
Self Sabotage
Sex Addiction
Sexual Dysfunction
Shopping Addiction
Shy Child
Skin Disorders
Skin Picking
Social Anxiety Relief
Sports Hypnosis
Squash Excellence – Sports
Stop Being Stubborn
Stop Cheating – Remain Faithful
Stop Obsessing
Stop Smoking
Stop Smoking Pot
Stress Relief
Study Habits
Stop Stuttering – Speak Clearly
Sugar Cravings Hypnosis
Surgery Preparation and Recovery
Sweating Excessively
Swimming Excellence
Tee Shot – Golf
Teeth Grinding
Tennis Excellence
Test Anxiety
Thumb Sucking – Child
TMJ Hypnosis
Tourette’s Syndrome
Trading Excellence – Stocks, Commodities, etc.
Unshakeable Self Confidence
Vaping Addiction
Video Game Addiction
Virtual Gastric Band Hypnosis
Weight Loss Hypnosis
Work Addiction
Work and School hypnosis
Writers Block
Yips Relief