A fear of insects, also known as Entomophobia, is common in the United States. People who live in cities tend to be more prone to a fear of insects. Unlike people who live in the country, people who live in urban areas are not exposed to insects. While some people fear specific insects like bees or wasps, those with entomophobia fear all insects. Entomophobia can limit our ability to enjoy barbecues and picnics or to live somewhere where insects reside. Fortunately, you can overcome a fear of insects with hypnosis.
Why do people fear insects?
People who suffer from Entomophobia may have different reasons for feeling scared. The most common reason is that people are afraid of getting bitten. They may be simply afraid of the pain or having an allergic reaction. However, some people are afraid of contamination in the case of flies or cockroaches. Finally, fear of infestation can be the trigger, especially with water bugs. termites, and cockroaches. Regardless of the reason, a fear of insects can be debilitating.
What causes a fear of insects?
Entomophobia Is often triggered by a bee sting or bug bite. Any negative childhood experience related to insects can trigger an insect phobia. However, it can also be learned by watching a caregiver respond in fear to a bug. Genetics may also play a part in developing an anxiety disorder. In most cases though, it is a sensitizing event that triggers a fear of insects.
Overcome a fear of insects with hypnosis
Hypnotherapy is a prescription free method of treating a fear of insects. Hypnotic trance is a relaxing but highly attentive state that is induced by following the verbal directions of a hypnotherapist. The unconscious mind is accessed and can be programmed to eliminate any insect related phobias. Patients are awake and often remember what has transpired. It is common to lose track of time and feel like the hypnotherapy session was much shorter than it was.
Why hypnotherapy works
The key to overcoming a fear of insects is uncovering and reframing the initial sensitizing event. The subconscious mind uses our experiences as a reference to keep us safe. It reminds us to be careful with the fight or flight response. In hypnotic trance, the event that triggered the client’s Entomophobia can be quickly discovered. Once identified, the certified hypnotist can help the patient let it go. This in turn eliminates, the fight or flight response, generated by the unconscious mind.
Living with the fear of insects can be difficult. Those with Entomophobia often cannot enjoy something as simple as taking a hike in nature. They may purposely avoid national parks or any outdoor family gatherings. If you know someone who suffers from a fear of insects, hypnotherapy may be able to help. Hypnosis can help them to not only overcome their fear, but also help them to lead a more normal life.