Are You a “People Pleaser?” Self-Esteem Hypnosis Can Help You Live a Happier Life!

Imagine satisfying yourself before anyone else and feeling good about your decision to do so.

People pleasers often struggle with their propensity to accommodate others and wonder –
“Why do I feel as if I need to treat others better than myself?”
“If I put myself first, will the people around me still like and appreciate me?”
“It just seems easier to do what others ask of me, even if I don’t want to.”

Imagine …
•Understanding what triggered this limiting belief
•Being able to say “No” and feeling good about it
•Boosting your self-esteem so that you live a happier and healthier life
•Being able to put yourself first
•Developing self-acceptance and gaining the power to balance your needs with others

On the surface, being a “people pleaser” sounds like a good thing – like you’re willing to do whatever it takes to make people happy. Unfortunately, being a “people pleaser” can be far more serious than that. It can actually be a sign of a major inferiority complex and low self-esteem.

When you’re a “people pleaser”, you are so willing to accommodate people, that you turn your back on yourself. You actually make self-defeating efforts to please others – like passing up a round of golf to babysit for your sister, or missing out on your book club to make cookies for the PTA bake sale. To you, your feelings and time are so unimportant that everyone else comes ahead of you. You feel completely inferior to everyone around you, so you focus all of your attention on meeting their needs, instead of your own.

Unfortunately, people who try to please others tend to get an early start in life. Usually, someone becomes a “people pleaser” because that’s how they were raised. If, for example, your parents always told you what to do, think, and say, you probably never got any praise or positive attention – unless you were doing something that made Mom and Dad happy. So, as a child, your ultimate goal was to make Mom and Dad happy, even if it meant passing up things that made you happy. As you’ve gotten older, you’ve started treating everyone the same – your spouse, your boss, and your friends. Today, you care more about what everyone else thinks than what you think!

However, if you can stop caring what other people think, you can live a happier life – full of things that you find interesting – instead of trying to impress the “cool kids” at school, or trying to show your boss that you’re the “perfect” employee.

If you really want to stop caring what other people think, you can do it with self-esteem hypnosis.


You and your consulting hypnotist will work to re-program your subconscious – the part of your mind that’s responsible for most of your thoughts and actions. If your subconscious can derive pleasure from meeting your needs, instead of everyone else’s, you will be able to focus on making yourself happy.

During self-esteem hypnosis, your subconscious will learn that you are important and that your feelings, opinions, and interests deserve attention. Hypnosis for self-confidence will give you the boost you need to take yourself and your needs seriously.

Once you develop this self-acceptance, you will be able to tell people no, without feeling guilty. You will have the confidence to pursue your own interests without apologizing for it or feeling “uncool” or “selfish”. Self-esteem hypnosis can give you the power to balance being nice to others and being nice to yourself – making you a much happier person!

Self-esteem hypnosis will help you develop the confidence to be able to tell others ‘no’ while accepting that though they might not like it, they will appreciate and respect you more. Hypnosis for self-esteem will teach your mind that it is perfectly acceptable to put yourself first.

To learn more about hypnosis, click here Self Esteem Hypnosis NYC

New York Hypnosis Institute LLC
241 West 30 street
New York, NY 10001

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