Individuals with dyslexia have difficulty learning how to read. There are challenges in how they interpret words, phrases, and symbols none of which are a reflection of intellectual abilities. Hypnosis for dyslexia is very effective for a number of reasons. When someone is dealing with dyslexia, it can affect their self-confidence. Furthermore, it may trigger things like anxiety, a phobia associated with the act of reading and their focus. These are all symptoms in which hypnotherapy for dyslexia offer favorable results.
Hypnosis For Dyslexia
Hypnosis for dyslexia focuses on identifying and addressing some of the unhealthy unconscious beliefs. These often create anxiety, depression, self-esteem issues and other challenges associated with having learning difficulties. It also can assist with overall reading performance, how you pronounce words and create a more automatic response with regard to word recognition.
An individual is guided into a state of deep relaxation during hypnosis. The hypnotist can tap into the subconscious mind where those limiting and harmful beliefs are held. Hypnotherapy for dyslexia enables one with guidance of the hypnosis practitioner to shift the way your mind looks at oneself. Positive suggestions are more readily accepted by the client within the subconscious.
Some of the most successful people in history have battled with dyslexia including Albert Einstein, Leonardo DaVinci and many others. In fact, dyslexia in some form may affect up to 10 % of the population. Whether it is overcoming some of the emotional components that individuals with dyslexia can face or developing different ways to learn, hypnosis can help. The traditional methods of teaching may present many challenges for one with dyslexia and other learning difficulties. A hypnotherapist has insight into the unconscious mind and its importance on behavior, how one learns and overcoming performance issues. These are vital to making progress.
Scientific Data On Hypnotism For Dyslexia
According to a Dyslexia study conducted by Crasilneck and Hall, data indicated that more than 75% of dyslexic children can benefit from hypnosis. Improvements were seen in more automatic word recognition, their pronunciation and their speed showed strong results along with overall performance.
Characteristics That Make Hypnosis For Dyslexia A Suitable Option
In dealing the daily challenges of dyslexia, there are some common themes that emerge. These individuals tend to have very strong problem solving abilities. The reason is they are identifying new ways to cope with life stressors in a way that others may not experience. This is an important skill that serves well in life and during hypnosis. Problem solving skills are very helpful.
Accounts of daydreaming is also another behavior that I have seen in those with dyslexia. In some instances, it serves as a way to escape or possibly cope. Daydreaming has some similarities to the hypnosis state. This may allow for one to more easily go into hypnosis and imagine all the possibilities that go with hypnotherapy. There may be fear or shame associated with dyslexia given the importance placed on reading and literacy. Some of these stressors may lead to medical conditions like Irritable Bowel Syndrome, depression and other circumstances that complicate matters.
Hypnosis is a powerful tool that research has shown has a broad range of applications. In addition, there is considerable data to support the benefits of hypnosis. Hypnosis can help those with dyslexia with the underlying symptoms as well as the ability to find new ways to learn more effectively. It can empower the individual and provide tools to tackle their challenges. It also can have a life changing impact on self-confidence and quality of life.