Approximately 2 to 6% of Americans struggle with hoarding. Men tend to hoard more than women and those above the age of 55 are more likely to be hoarders. There are different levels of hoarding, and the disorder is diagnosable by a mental health care professional. People who suffer from hoarding disorder may also experience bouts of depression. Regardless of the severity, it is possible to stop hoarding with hypnosis.
Degrees of hoarding
There are different levels of hoarding that range from mild too extreme. People who find it difficult to throw away things but keep their homes clean and mostly free of clutter are on the mild spectrum. Hoarding becomes more of an issue when clutter prevents access to doors and windows. Extreme cases of hoarding include rooms filled with clutter, rotting food, bug or rodent infestation, health hazards, and sewage odors.
The impact of hoarding
People who suffer from hoarding disorder often have financial difficulties as they tend to buy more than they can afford. Hoarding can also negatively impact relationships. Family and friends may avoid the home of someone who suffers from hoarding disorder due to embarrassment. Excessive hoarding can also lead to evictions, a home being condemned, and unsafe environments.
Stop hoarding with hypnosis
Hypnotherapy can be very effective in treating hoarding disorder. Contrary to what most people think, hypnosis is not a form of sleep. Patients are gently guided into a relaxing hypnotic trance by following the directions of the hypnotherapist. While still aware of their surroundings, clients will often experience time distortion. In hypnotic trance patients are open to accepting hypnotic programming to overcome the hoarding disorder.
Discovering the source
Once guided into hypnotic trance, the inner mind is programmed to overcome the urge to overspend and hoard unnecessary items. More importantly, the event that initially triggered this disorder can be uncovered. Childhood experiences can create strong, but not always helpful, beliefs. Children who are taught not to throw anything away, may grow up taking the saying, “waste not want not”, to an extreme. Parents who hoard may also inadvertently teach their children to do the same.
Addressing the limiting belief
A skilled and seasoned certified hypnotist can help a client shift their perspective. They essentially reframe the experience and help the patient let it go. An impressionable child can take things too literally. The hypnotherapist can help the patient see things from a mature, and adult point of view. The shift of perspective is essential in helping the client overcome the urge to hoard unnecessary items. Once the limiting belief is eliminated, the desire to hoard is often eliminated as well.
There are many different degrees of hoarding, and many reasons people hoard unneeded items. Fortunately, hypnotherapy can help identify and overcome the source of the hoarding disorder. No one should have to suffer with the embarrassment, financial difficulties, and health risks related to hoarding. If someone you know has been diagnosed with hoarding disorder, hypnosis may be able to help.