A large percentage of children under the age of 11 have a fear of needles. Since the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine will soon be offered to children, ages five to eleven, it is critically important to help them with this phobia. Fortunately, a natural and fast acting option is available. Hypnosis for children who are afraid of needles can help them get the protection they need from COVID-19.
Why are children afraid?
The reason why children are afraid of needles may not be as obvious as it seems. For some children it is the sight of the long needle that scares them. They are afraid of the needle entering their body. For other children it is a fear of blood. They assume they’re going to bleed if jabbed with a large needle. Still others have a fear of losing control. However, the most common reason is the fear of pain.
Hypnosis for children who are afraid of needles
Hypnotherapy is extremely effective with young children because they spend a great deal of time daydreaming and imagining things. A skilled hypnotherapist utilizes a child’s vivid imagination to program the inner mind, also known as the subconscious mind. The imagination can be the gateway to the unconscious mind. Hypnotic trance can be induced by simply having the child imagine something fun or relaxing.
Fear of Pain
Once guided hypnotic trance, the child’s inner resources are utilized to help overcome the fear of needles. If the child has a fear of pain, the mind can be programmed to minimize or eliminate any form of discomfort. One technique involves having the child imagine that there is a switch associated with all feelings in the arm, that can be turned off. The mind already knows how to disassociate from pain. As an example, when we engage in physical activity, we often do not notice any discomfort until we are back at home resting.
Fear of the Needle Itself
In hypnotic trance, how a child feels about needles can be changed. Instead of seeing a large needle as scary, it can be perceived as something exciting that will protect them from getting sick. There is a thin line between fear and excitement. We enjoy roller coasters even though our heart races. Many of us get excited and look forward to the feeling that we have during the ride and after it is over. Hypnosis can help children change their perspective.
Addressing other fears related to needles
If a child has a fear of blood the certified hypnotist will use different techniques to help them overcome their fear. Imagining or visualizing receiving the vaccine confidently, without shedding any blood can be very powerful. The unconscious mind can be programmed to remain calm, relaxed, and in control while being vaccinated.
Since children respond so well to hypnotherapy, it should be considered the go-to solution for vaccine hesitancy. Getting a vaccine, or drawing blood for that matter, does not need to be a source of anxiety. Hypnosis for children who are afraid of needles is a fast acting and natural solution.