The Fears That Hold Us Back

Hypnosis Treats Phobias and Anxiety NYC

Fears and phobias can keep you from reaching your true potential. A fear of crowds can prevent you from enjoying social events or working in a busy office. Low self-esteem can prevent you from achieving your dreams or finding the perfect partner. To prevent fears from holding you back, you have to learn how to treat a phobia.

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The Scientifically Proven Benefits of Hypnosis

Scientifically Proven Benefits of Hypnosis NYC

Hypnosis is a popular treatment option for phobias, grief, pain and performance anxiety. Over the years, world-renowned researchers and medical associations have shown the scientifically proven benefits of hypnosis. Since hypnosis was first developed in the 1700s and 1800s, it has risen to become a credible, useful treatment option.

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The Benefits of Maintaining a Healthy Weight

healthy weight hypnosis

Maintaining a healthy weight is not always easy. As you age, lifestyle factors, a lack of exercise and diet can quickly start to add to your waistline. Unfortunately, gaining weight does not just affect your appearance. It can also increase your risk of cancer, high blood pressure, stroke, heart disease and diabetes. By maintaining a normal weight, you can lower your risks for a wide range of health problems.

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The Science Behind Hypnosis

The Science Behind Hypnosis NYC

Hypnosis first began as mesmerism in the late 1700s. This practice has existed for centuries, but it has only recently been shown to have scientific benefits. The science behind hypnosis shows that it can reduce anxiety, stress and pain.

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How does Hypnosis Work?

Why Hypnosis Works

The human mind can be divided into two sections; the conscious mind, which is the area of the mind that we interact with, and the subconscious (or unconscious) mind, the area of the mind that stores everything we have ever experienced including thoughts and feelings. The subconscious mind controls our heartbeat and blood pressure, our immune system, and our bodies on the cellular level.

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Hypnosis As a Tool to Help Improve Confidence and Motivation

Hypnotherapy for self-esteem and confidence NYC

Imagine feeling so confident that you can attend any social activity and speak with anyone without feeling awkward, uncomfortable, or anxious. Hypnosis for self-esteem can help improve your confidence in all areas of your like.

Do you currently avoid social situations, wondering –
“Am I as good as my friends?”
“Does anyone really see me?”
“If my friends truly knew me, would they still want to be around me?”
“Is anyone ever glad to see me?”

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Hypnosis For Pain Management

Pain Management Hypnosis New York City

Many people have heard about hypnosis to manage pain, but few are aware of its history. In the 1800s, prior to the development of anesthetics, hypnosis was used on the battlefield, in surgery rooms and even during childbirth and labor, hypnosis has proven to be a natural and powerful way to manage pain.

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