What Makes Hypnosis Effective?

How does hypnosis really work

Have you ever tried a technique to enhance your memory, or concentration? Books, tapes, herbs, and foods have all been used to enhance mental abilities, some with no results, while others have had at least some effect. One thing that has proven itself repeatedly for hundreds if not thousands of years is hypnosis.

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Past Life Regression – How You Can Use It to Understand Your Current Challenges

Past Life Regression

Imagine understanding why you have certain fears, limiting beliefs, and life patterns that you cannot seem to rid yourself of..

You may consider past life regression when you find yourself struggling with questions like
“Why do I sabotage all my relationships?”
“Why do I have this severe fear or phobia?”
“I seem to experience déjà vu often, how come?”

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Are You a “People Pleaser?” Self-Esteem Hypnosis Can Help You Live a Happier Life!

hypnosis for

Imagine satisfying yourself before anyone else and feeling good about your decision to do so.

People pleasers often struggle with their propensity to accommodate others and wonder –
“Why do I feel as if I need to treat others better than myself?”
“If I put myself first, will the people around me still like and appreciate me?”
“It just seems easier to do what others ask of me, even if I don’t want to.”

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Sports Hypnosis – How It Can Give You the Mental Toughness You Need for Sports

Sports Hypnosis NYC

Imagine having the mental toughness to push through physical challenges and thrive under competitive pressure.

After a game, are you asking yourself:
“Did I really push myself tonight?”
“Am I thriving under the pressure of the game or just getting by?”
“Do I have what it takes to reach the next level in my game?”
“When I play, do I get in the zone?”

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Hypnosis Can Make Dealing With Depression a Thing of the Past

Hypnosis for Depression NYC

Imagine feeling good and enjoying doing all the things you used to love with Hypnosis for Depression…

When you are trying to deal with depression, you might be asking –
“How am I supposed to get past this pain and sadness?”
“Why do I always feel this way?”
“If the medications don’t work, how am I supposed to get better?”
“Is there a way I can start feeling better sooner?”

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