Does Your Mind Go Blank when you are On Stage?
You can interact easily with your friends but you freeze up when you are on stage. Often times this reaction is caused by stage fright, also known as stage phobia. There are many people who suffer from this disorder despite having a wealth of talent and experience.
Performance anxiety occurs in many contexts – sports, acting, singing, intimacy… but whatever the situation, the problem is the same. Thankfully, hypnosis can help in overcoming anxiety.
There are few activities that can produce tension and anxiety as quickly and as thoroughly as performing in public. Most performers have experienced performance anxiety in some form and to various degrees. This fear may be experienced while preparing for a performance, for days or even weeks beforehand, and not just while performing. It can be experienced in the present as apprehension. Performance anxiety is no different from general anxiety. Feelings of fear and apprehension are accompanied by increased and prolonged physiological arousal.
The Effects of Performance Anxiety
- You have to perform an activity that requires you to be ‘in the moment’
- You think about all the things that could go wrong
- The anxiety gets in the way of your own performanceHypnosis for performance anxiety can help eliminate fear by getting you into the optimum state for peak performance, so that all those old worries simply become irrelevant.
As much as 75% of the population suffers with fear of stage fright. Those of us who have experienced stage fright, know how debilitating and embarrassing it can be. Stage fright is the single most common of all phobias. Sports, along with performance anxiety are marked by extreme panic and anxiety when called upon to speak or to perform in public.
For some people the fear and anxiety disappears once the performance begins. For others, the tension and stress remain at a heightened level until they are no longer performing in front of an audience. The skill and talent level of the performer means little if they suffer from this fear. In fact it prevents these talented performers from being able to share their gifts with others.
What Are The Performance Anxiety Symptoms?
Dry Mouth | Nausea |
Sweating | Going Blank |
Tight Throat | Sweaty or Cold Hands |
Shaking | Heart Racing |
An unsteady voice |
What Causes Stage Fright Phobia?
When a person experiences stage fright, the body responds with fight or flight mode. The body releases adrenaline, preparing either to defend itself or to expend extra energy to escape the situation.
When it comes to performance anxiety, hypnosis can be a very powerful tool in overcoming your fear. Hypnosis is designed to change the way you perceive things by putting you into a very relaxed state. During this state, you are fully in control, highly focused, and receptive to positive suggestions. If you can change the way you react to the experience of performing, you will no longer fear it.
Video Testimonial
Fears tend to result from three main life events or experiences. They include trauma, parental impact on childhood, or observing something terrifying. These factors can cover a very wide range of experiences. The root cause of the fear likely stems from a childhood experience. This experience must be reframed so that the subconscious mind understands that the flight response or fear is no longer necessary.
Various triggers can set off your fear, but your reaction in some instances can be delayed so that you react to something else entirely. Often times, clients are surprised to discover what the initial fear inducing event is, because at face value it does not seem to have a direct connection to the fear. There is always a connection although it may not be obvious initially.
Hypnosis can help reprogram your mind and facilitate behavioral change.
The NYC Hypnosis Center 4 Step Overcome Performance Anxiety Hypnosis Program Can Help You
- Identify When, Where, and What Triggers Your Anxiety
- Replace Catastrophic Thoughts with Truthful Statements
- Assist in Reprogramming the Way You Think About & React to Performing
- Teach Self Hypnosis for Daily Reinforcement
Hypnosis is a natural state, that when achieved, allows your hypnotist to access your subconscious mind. When you watch a movie, read a book, or focus on a project at work and lose track of time, you are experiencing hypnosis. Once a client is guided into hypnosis, we at the NY Hypnosis Institute can then give positive suggestions directly to the subconscious mind.
However, this anxiety isn’t just physical. With a fear, your subconscious mind takes over. Your subconscious is like the hard drive on your computer; it records every memory and every experience you’ve ever had – even if you don’t actually remember them all!
Chances are something in your past is to blame. However, it’s not uncommon for the subconscious mind to blow things out of proportion, so you may not even remember the past event that has led to your current fear! Your performance anxiety could be a result of fumbling through a piano recital as a child.
Instead of seeing those types of things as isolated incidents, your subconscious is convinced that the same embarrassment and awkwardness will happen again if you have to perform – so it responds with those strong physical and emotional symptoms.
Hypnosis can help reprogram your mind and facilitate change.
Under Hypnosis Suggestions Will Be Introduced To Help
- Create New Ways to Look at the World Around You
- To Promote Clear Headedness
- Identify the Source of the Anxiety
- Create a New Response to Fear Producing Stimulus
- Build Self Esteem and Self Respect
- Develop a positive attitude
- Increase Overall Confidence and Motivation

During an NYC Hypnosis Center performance anxiety treatment session, you can identify the event from your past that has been blown out of proportion. Your hypnotist can then reframe the way your subconscious mind perceives that event, allowing the fear and anxiety to be released. Essentially your hypnotist will teach your subconscious that those negative experiences from your past have nothing to do with your performance today.
In addition, during an NYC Hypnosis Center performance anxiety treatment session, your subconscious can be trained to associate performing with positive emotions – instead of the negative ones it is currently falling back on. By teaching your subconscious to react to performance anxiety with happiness and excitement, you can take the stage with confidence, a strong voice, and a sincere smile!
A New York Hypnosis Performance anxiety session can retrain your mind to:
Eliminate your performance anxiety completely
Provide you with the right level of adrenalin and excitement
Allow you to actually enjoy performing
Utilizing hypnosis, performing can actually become something you enjoy!

Disclaimer: Results may vary from person to person