Embarking on a new life in a different city, creating fun and novel experiences.
Embracing modern innovations in the workplace with enthusiasm and a positive outlook.
Initiating friendships with unfamiliar people and opening your world to new ways of thinking.
If you’ve ever struggled with accepting changes into your life, you’ve probably asked yourself
Why am I so resistant to accepting changes in my life?
How can I be less dependent on my routines?
What can I do to change the way I approach new ways of thinking?
Fear of change can apply to one facet of your life or almost all things in your life, depending on your situation. However, one thing is the same—the fear of change can cause you to feel like you can’t progress or move forward. You become stuck in a rut or situations that no longer meet your needs. The fear of change can immobilize you and keep you from moving up in the workplace. Fearing change can prevent you from accepting promotions or being an agile thinker. Your job might become compromised because you’re unable to accept new workplace routines. The rejection of new things means that you may not be able to develop new friendships or relationships. If you fear change, you may go to great lengths to avoid it, like lying or isolating yourself from others. The fear of change can be stifling and debilitating.
Reading the manual for a new process at work at not feeling anxious.
Moving to a new city and creating new adventures for yourself.
Enjoying a night out with new friends

Using hypnosis for a fear of change can reframe memories that are at the source. The fear can be caused by the need to control things around you to feel safe. The root of this fear is often from past events or unresolved trauma. The mind may sometimes choose a more familiar and routine path because it feels secure, and it may be unwilling to incorporate new things because they feel unsafe and dangerous— even when new things are good for you. When faced with change, anxiety, anger, fear, and panic attacks can happen.
Events may have occurred earlier in your life, or in lives that you’ve had before, that caused you pain and hurt. Hypnosis helps to safely locate the memories that are the root of the fear and release, reframe, or resolve them. With the help of a certified NYC hypnotist, you can use hypnosis for a fear of change and enjoy more of the world.
If you feel stuck, afraid, and limited because of your fear of change, call us today to schedule an appointment. Our certified NYC hypnotist will work with you to find the root of your fear and help you discover ways to overcome your fear. Through the use of hypnosis for a fear of change, you can carve out paths for yourself and learn new ways of thinking. Call us today and schedule a hypnosis session to conquer your fear of change and create a brighter, bigger future for you.