Many times when we sincerely wish to accomplish something, we find ourselves, unconsciously creating rationalizations and excuses as to why we cannot achieve what we want and deserve. We find ourselves saying, “Yes, but” or “I’ll start that diet on Monday”. These are all too frequent excuses that we use to avoid change. Hypnosis download suggestions, using Self Hypnosis recordings, will help to remove these excuses and rationalizations. Self-hypnosis can put you in a better position to achieve your objectives – financial security, a loving relationship, a career.
Self-Hypnosis is a powerful way to -empower you – to eliminate this tendency. Yes, metaphorically speaking, it will get your train moving in the right direction, back on track, in sync with your highest potential… In the areas that you want and need it to… In other words… With proper self-motivation, you will quickly regain conscious control of your life. What you want to happen will begin to happen. A small commitment to use these recordings will allow you to tap into the unlimited potential of your subconscious mind – in any area of your life that you may be struggling with – so you can experience a new and more fulfilling life.
Rather than convincing you why you can’t do something, Self-Hypnosis will teach you how you – CAN – achieve your goal. At the VERY least… Self-hypnosis recordings can…
A small investment of your time, can allow you – to reprogram dysfunctional patterns in your life – giving you a significantly improved -experience- a life changing opportunity to live the life you deserve.
1MP3’s meant for children do not use 2 Simultaneous Voices.