
Drive & Dribble the Ball Confidently

Original price was: $49.95.Current price is: $39.95.


Do you get nervous when you are Dribbling the ball?

Do you find it difficult to dribble hard and Pound the ball?

Is ball safety an issue?

Are you able to adjust your speed when you need to?

Confidence is key if you want to drive and dribble the ball. For many, ball safety is rarely an issue in practice, but come game time, it becomes a challenge. When driving the ball becomes difficult it usually because we are overthinking what we have spent years training to do. Overthinking can lead to anxiety, which can in turn, can lead to the ball being stolen.



Having Complete Confidence in Your Ball Handing

Dramatically Lowering Your Turnovers

Driving the ball with Confidence


Hypnosis to Drive & Dribble the Ball Confidently

The Drive & Dribble the Ball Confidently hypnosis download can teach your inner mind to remain calm and confident when dribbling the ball even in the most important/competitive games. As you remain calm, you protect the ball and are able to change your pace at will. Order this powerful hypnosis mp3 today and experience unwavering confidence when dribbling or driving the ball.

Research shows that hypnosis can help athletes improve their performance in many sports, like basketball, golf, soccer, cricket, and badminton.


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Drive & Dribble the Ball Confidently
Original price was: $49.95.Current price is: $39.95.