Hypnosis for weight loss has been proven through scientific research to support weight reduction and help you reach your goal weight. You can boost your willpower so that it is easier to make decisions, stay motivated and follow your diet plan. With the right hypnotherapy for weight loss program, research studies show that you can increase your chances of losing weight and keeping it off.
Hypnosis Is 30 Times More Effective Than Other Weight Los Tools
In one scientific study, researchers found proof that hypnosis was more effective than just a diet alone. Researchers found 60 females who were at least 20 percent overweight. While the control group just focused on their current diet plan, the other group was given hypnosis for weight loss. The hypnosis group lost 17 pounds on average. Meanwhile, the control group only lost an average of 0.5 pounds. With hypnotherapy for weight loss, the group focused on increasing motivation, boosting ego and improving decision making. In addition, the hypnosis offered maintenance suggestions.
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Hypnosis to lose weight helps by changing the underlying way the mind works. It helps to rewire the brain so that you have a positive attitude. Normally, people have problems with willpower and motivation when they are on a diet. With hypnosis, you work directly with the subconscious mind to boost your motivation and willpower.
Hypnosis for Weight Loss Offers Long-Lasting Benefits
In another scientific study, researchers offered 109 people behavioral treatments to lose weight. Some of the group received hypnosis and some did not. At the end of nine weeks, both groups had weight reduction. Two years later, the group that had hypnosis to lose weight continued to have weight loss. The other group only had minimal change in their weight. As reported in the Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology
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Disclaimer: Results may vary from person to person
More scientific proof to support hypnosis of weight loss was found through a meta-analysis of 18 studies. Participants received help through goal setting, guided imagery, self-monitoring and relaxation training. One group in each study had the same options supported through hypnosis. The ones who had hypnosis as well, lost 90 percent more weight. They were able to maintain that weight loss for two years after the end of their treatment. University of Connecticut, Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology
Hypnosis Doubled Average Weight Loss
Hypnosis for weight loss has been found to help you lose weight, but it also helps you lose even more weight. When hypnosis was added to a cognitive-behavioral treatment to lose weight, the hypnosis group lost double on average. In two other studies, hypnosis was found to increase weight loss and decrease the individual’s body mass index. The hypnosis group had lower post-treatment weights as well as a higher average number of pounds lost. Kirsch, Irving, Journal of Consulting Clinical Psychology
Combat the Stress of Losing Weight
When you start a diet, you are constantly fixated on the scale. If your weight goes up, you fall into despair as you stress about the sudden increase in weight. When the number on the scale stays the same, you worry that your diet is not working. Hypnosis can help to handle this stress. Hypnotherapy groups were found to enjoy more significant stress reduction than control groups. In addition to feeling less stress, they also had higher levels of weight loss than patients who only received dietary advice.
Using Hypnosis Can Increase the Effect of Traditional Approaches
Using traditional weight loss techniques like diet and exercise is effective. Researchers have found that you can boost the effects by using hypnosis as well. Scientific studies have found that hypnosis increases the benefits over time. In some cases, hypnosis achieved double the effects associated with traditional approaches to weight loss.
How Weight Loss Hypnosis Works

Through weight loss hypnosis, you can boost the effects of your diet and exercise plan. Hypnosis helps you reach a state of intense concentration and inner absorption. It is like being in a trance. It uses mental images and verbal repetition to retrain your mind. Since your attention is extremely focused, you are more responsive to the suggestions of the hypnotist.
During hypnosis, the hypnotist suggests behavior changes that will help you lose weight. If you have struggled to find motivation to lose weight, hypnosis can help. It works with your mind to facilitate positive behavioral change. You suddenly enjoy working out and eating a healthy diet. If you have found lifestyle changes difficult to maintain, hypnosis can change your approach to a balanced lifestyle.
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Science backs up hypnosis as a viable weight loss plan. With hypnosis, you can begin your journey toward a lower, healthier weight. To get started on your weight loss today, check out the NYC Hypnosis Center’s weight loss program.