Do suffer from cramping and pain?
Do you alternate between diarrhea and constipation?
Do you experience low stamina and fatigue?
Do you have frequent bloating and gas?
Have you identified foods that trigger your IBS symptoms?
Up until now, the more “traditional” treatment has been fiber therapy, antispasmodic medications, and antidepressants. Fiber is added to the diet through the use of bulking type laxatives and a high fiber diet. Antispasmodic medications may reduce the spasms in the gut, while antidepressants may reduce the sensitivity of the gut to pain and other sensations as opposed to acting as emotional antidepressants. According to the American College of Gastroenterology, these drug therapies have a 25% success rate.
Since 1984, worldwide studies have demonstrated the long-term alleviation of IBS symptoms when hypnosis is combined with medical treatment. The effectiveness of treatment then climbs to 80%.
Living a Life Free from Discomfort and Bloating
Feeling Rested and Refreshed in the Morning
No Longer Worrying Where the Nearest Bathroom Is
Naturally Releasing Stress and Anxiety
Having Regular and Normal Bowel Movements
“Hypnosis should be the treatment of choice for all severe cases of IBS”
Adriane Fugh-Berman, MD.
National Women’s Health Network
Washington, D.C.

There is a non-intrusive, effective, and natural way that has been utilized to treat IBS sufferers as I had found. Over the past few years, research from the Center for Functional G.I. and Mobility Disorders, which is affiliated with the University of North Carolina, School of Medicine has strong and overwhelming evidence supporting the fact that anywhere from 80% to 90% of IBS symptoms can be reduced or eliminated with hypnosis. Today, research from this center continues with the assistance from the NIH (National Institute of Health).
Hypnosis can help reprogram your mind and facilitate behavioral change.
The NYC Hypnosis Center 4 Step Overcome Irritable Bowel Syndrome Hypnosis Program:
- Teach Self Hypnosis
- Identify When, Where, and Why You Feel Stress
- Formulate a New Lifestyle Plan
- Assist in Reprogramming the Way You Think About & React to Stressful Situations
Irritable Bowel Syndrome Hypnosis
The NYC Hypnosis Center Overcome IBS Program consists of targeted suggestions and regression. At the end of the first session, a “trigger” word is given to the client’s subconscious mind, which will allow them to re-enter this relaxed state immediately whenever they encounter a stressful or anxious moment. In each session, specific suggestions are introduced to promote inner healing. As an example, anddepending on whether the client suffers from diarrhea or constipation, a metronome representing their digestive system is imagined. While in hypnosis, the client can “control” the beat of the metronome either speeding up for constipation or slowing down for diarrhea. Although the client may not realize it, they are retraining their digestive process in each of these sessions. By harnessing our subconscious mind, we all have the power to promote wellness and accelerated change.
Chances are something in your past is to blame for your irritable bowel syndrome symptoms. Often a stressful experience is the culprit. It is also not uncommon for the subconscious mind to blow things out of proportion, so you may not even remember the past event that has led to your IBS.
During a NYC Hypnosis Center IBS hypnosis session, you can identify the event from your past that has been blown out of proportion. Your hypnotist can then reframe the way your subconscious mind perceives that event, allowing the IBS symptoms to be released. Essentially your hypnotist will teach your subconscious mind that those negative experiences from your past no longer need to impact you negatively.
Hypnosis is a natural state, that when achieved, allows your hypnotist to access your subconscious mind. When you watch a movie, read a book, or focus on a project at work and lose track of time, you are experiencing a light state of hypnosis. Once a client is guided into hypnosis, we at the NYC Hypnosis Center can then give positive suggestions directly to the subconscious mind.
Under Hypnosis Suggestions Will Be Introduced To:
- Promote Inner Healing
- Release and Relieve Emotions or Feelings Associated with Stressful Situations
- Develop New Lifestyle Changes
- Adapt to Stressful Situations
What is irritable bowel syndrome?
IBS, also referred to as spastic colon, is a disturbance of the colon where patients present long-standing symptoms of cramping abdominal pain, bloating, excessive flatulence, diarrhea, constipation, or alternating constipation and diarrhea. It affects between 15% to 20% of the population.
It is imperative that a proper diagnosis be made by one’s physician or gastroenterologist since its symptoms also mimic symptoms of several life-threatening illnesses. Conventional medical treatment, along with dietary changes has shown to be effective with about 25% of patients.
The Power of Hypnosis: Revolutionizing IBS Treatment and Empowering Patients

Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) is one of the most prevalent functional disorders of the gastrointestinal (GI) tract. This disorder, primarily found in women who make up over 70% of IBS patients, involves abnormal changes in the gut’s functionality without discernable structural alterations. Characterized by long-lasting, often intermittent symptoms, IBS is the most common issue seen by gastroenterologists. It also frequently ranks among the top ten problems presented in primary care settings.
Just as with migraine headaches, IBS episodes can have similar patterns and warning signs, or auras. For patients proficient in self-hypnosis, the aura or the episode’s onset can be a cue to employ this technique to potentially avert the episode. Despite conventional treatments like amitriptyline, an antidepressant, showing no more effectiveness than placebos, alternative methods such as hypnotherapy have started to gain ground in the treatment of IBS.
Gut-Directed Hypnosis: Addressing the Root Cause of IBS
The journey towards understanding irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) and its treatment options unfolds the revelation of a complex yet profound communication network – the gut-brain axis. This axis operates on a set of intricate signals exchanged between our gut and our brain. In the context of IBS, this harmonious interaction gets disrupted, leading to the unpleasant symptoms associated with the condition. The beauty of hypnosis for IBS lies in its potential to recalibrate these disrupted signals, effectively addressing the root cause of IBS and alleviating stress responses in the body.
Embracing Hypnosis for IBS
Transitioning to the realm of hypnotherapy opens up a world of therapeutic possibilities specifically tailored to soothe the restless digestive tract of IBS patients. Also referred to as the IBS Hypnosis Protocol, this innovative treatment technique takes the patient into a state of profound relaxation and focused awareness. Here, imagery and suggestions designed to relax and soothe the digestive tract are subtly introduced.
The role of imagery in this therapeutic approach is monumental. It serves as a powerful tool, crafting positive mental images that translate into physical well-being. This regular practice of deep relaxation not only counteracts stress responses but also improves the function of the immune system, fostering better digestive health. It’s no surprise then that hypnosis has a history of being effectively used for pain management, hastening the healing process, and reducing inflammation across various medical conditions.
The Science Behind IBS Hypnosis
Now, you might wonder, how does this seemingly mystical hypnosis work in the tangible, physical world? The answer lies in the remarkable functioning of the vagus nerve – the largest cranial nerve that acts as a conduit for information transfer between the gut and the brain.
Gut-directed hypnotherapy essentially regulates the flow of signals along this vast nerve network. The vagus nerve forms the backbone of the gut-brain connection, explaining why we experience emotions in our gut – the ‘butterflies’ in your stomach when you’re excited – or have a mental recognition of gut activities – knowing when you’re satiated after a meal.
The Benefits of Hypnotherapy
Embarking on a journey with IBS hypnotherapy can yield a multitude of benefits, transforming the way patients navigate this challenging condition.
Achieving Mind-Body Equilibrium
At its core, hypnotherapy focuses on reconditioning your mind to lessen the anticipation of impending IBS episodes. It introduces innovative relaxation techniques that aid in achieving a state of tranquility, thereby alleviating stress – a significant trigger for IBS flare-ups. As a result, patients can create a healthier, more harmonious relationship between their mind and body.
Reducing Pain Perception
One of the most impactful benefits of hypnotherapy is its potential to redirect your attention away from the discomfort associated with IBS. Instead of fixating on the pain, hypnotherapy encourages a shift in focus towards more positive aspects, thus easing the overall experience of the condition. This shift can be pivotal in managing IBS, as it decreases the perception of pain and discomfort.
Uncovering Subconscious Influences
In certain cases, it may be necessary to identify and address any existing or past incidents that could unconsciously exacerbate your IBS symptoms. Hypnotherapy can serve as a valuable tool in revealing these subconscious influences, enabling patients to work through and resolve them, consequently reducing their impact on IBS symptoms.
Long-lasting Effects
Hypnotherapy offers sustained symptomatic, psychological, and physiological advantages. Studies suggest that the effects of hypnotherapy endure long after the conclusion of the treatment course. Most patients experience an improvement in their condition lasting from 1 to 5 years, with many even discontinuing medication due to the sustained effectiveness of the therapy.
Hypnotherapy in NYC: Finding a Specialist
Finding the right IBS specialist NYC, especially one proficient in hypnotherapy, can make a significant difference in your treatment. Gut-directed hypnotherapy requires a trained professional to guide you into a deeply relaxed and focused state, similar to a guided meditation, and direct therapeutic suggestions toward your gut and related symptoms. The NYC Hypnosis Center, and its founder Eli Bliliuos, specializes in gut-directed hypnosis, and helps his clients successfully manage and overcome IBS symptoms.
Insights from Noteworthy Studies
Study by Whorwell PJ et al.
A 1987 research study published in ‘Gut’ extended on a previous study by Whorwell PJ and colleagues, demonstrating a 95% success rate in managing classic IBS symptoms in a cohort of 50 patients. This highlighted hypnotherapy’s potential in successfully treating severe IBS.
Research by Harvey RF et al.
An innovative 1989 ‘Lancet’ study led by Harvey RF et al., showcased the effectiveness of both individual and group hypnotherapy in managing refractory IBS. The study found that shorter hypnotherapy courses also yielded significant improvements, even in group settings.
University of Manchester’s Study
A large-scale 2001 study involving 250 IBS patients at the University of Manchester found that 71% of participants reported lasting improvements five years post-hypnotherapy treatment, emphasizing the therapy’s long-term efficacy.
Houghton LA et al.’s Findings
A 1996 study led by Houghton LA et al., published in ‘Aliment Pharmacol Ther’, revealed significant economic benefits and improvements in quality of life for severe IBS patients who underwent hypnotherapy, in addition to substantial symptom relief. Remarkably, patients previously unable to work were able to resume employment post-hypnotherapy. Quality of life derived from hypnotherapy for IBS, in addition to its proven clinical benefits.
The Transformative Power of Hypnotherapy for IBS
Gut-directed hypnosis, a specific application of hypnotherapy, has come to the forefront as a groundbreaking therapeutic solution for tackling the intricacies of irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). Endorsed by compelling scientific evidence and clinical trials, it represents a significant development for those whose daily lives have been profoundly impacted by this pervasive condition.
Offering more than just symptomatic relief, hypnotherapy is a holistic approach that fundamentally alters the patient’s relationship with their condition. It empowers individuals, instilling a sense of control over their symptoms and enhancing their overall quality of life. By integrating the power of the mind with the physical realities of the body, hypnotherapy ushers in a new era of IBS treatment, one where patients are no longer merely surviving, but thriving.