What is Life Coaching?
With a life coach, a client gets help in achieving their personal and professional goals. A life coach may help the client to get their dream job, in finding their soul mate, starting a business or getting in shape. On occasion, people seek out a life coach and are not clear about their goals. Life coaching helps to give these individuals the guidance they need to choose the right path in life and find their dreams.
This is not a magic bullet or elixir. Life coaching is based on the ideas behind NLP and positive self help . Through life coaching, clients become empowered to achieve transformations in their life. When you begin a fitness program, it takes time to develop muscles and get in shape. A life coach works to build mental muscles so that the client can think differently and find more effective approaches to life. Over time, clients develop the inner strength to face challenges and obstacles with grace.
How are clients helped?
My coaching goal is to help you find your unique path in life. Working together, we can discover what drives you, excites you and gives you meaning in life. While working to identify the things holding you back, we can create a personalized action plan that helps you to stay on track while you achieve your goals.
My entire job is to give you the guidance, feedback and support you need. With this goal in mind, we have to focus on accountability. Research indicates that people who are accountable for the results are more likely to finish a task or a goal.
Life coaching is an intimate process of working together as partners. For me, successful life coaching combines the latest techniques with intuitive perceptions. Using these tools, I help you to transform your awareness and find a deep, inner sense of purpose. Through this purpose and awareness, you can take action and achieve changes.
What goes on in a life coaching session?
The first goal is to get to know you, your needs and your current situation. We clarify your goals together. As the process continues, I ask questions that get you to challenge your misconceptions and gain your own insights into the situation. Techniques like meditation help to create mindfulness as you commit to achieving your goals. Once we have defined your action plan and objectives, you will be prepared to take the first steps before we meet again. At the next meeting, we will review your progress and make any adjustments that are needed.
New clients normally begin with a three-month commitment. The session are held twice a week for 60 minutes at a time. If you live in New York City, we can meet in person. If not, we can talk over the phone or Skype from any location across the globe.
How is life coaching different from more traditional therapy options?

Traditional therapies and life coaching are entirely different models. Every practitioner is different, but hypnosis generally helps with handling and treating emotional issues. In comparison, life coaching works with clients who are healthy and just want to find out the best ways to get to their goals. Coaching is action-oriented: it focuses on where you are now, where you want to be and what you can do to get there.
What types of people do you work with?
I began working as a life coach ten years ago. Over the course of the last decade, I have worked with clients that ranged from creative professionals to business owners to attorneys to Broadway dancers. I have worked with a number of men and women in their 20s and 30s to help them make positive career and relationship choices. Often, my clients are introverted individuals who want to find a fulfilling relationship or gain a satisfying career.
The clients who use my services want to achieve personal growth. They are committed to viewing their life from a new perspective as they invest their energy, time and resources into achieving their ideal results.

Disclaimer: Results may vary from person to person