What if you could be free from your obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) and in control of your thoughts and actions.
When you suffer from OCD, you have probably asked yourself things like –
“Why do I have to struggle with these compulsions?”
“Even though I tell myself not to why do I continue to do these things?”
“Isn’t there something that can give me back control over my life?”

If you have OCD, you know that no matter how hard you try there are things that you do that you have no control over. Maybe you wash your hands repeatedly, maybe you count the steps you take, or check your seat belt repeatedly when you drive. Even though you know what you’re doing isn’t “normal” you are not able to stop yourself. Hypnosis helps you overcome OCD so you can get control over your actions, thoughts, and life. Many people who suffer with OCD also suffer secondary disorders such as drug, alcohol or eating disorders, depression, and other anxiety disorders. Hypnosis for OCD helps you overcome these issues so you can get back to enjoying life again.
Understanding why you do what you do, and having control over your behaviors
Feeling more positive and pleasant
Eliminating negative thoughts that keep you from doing the things you want to do
While there are therapies and medications that can help you manage the symptoms of OCD, hypnosis is different because it allows you to discover the source of your problem. Hypnosis deals with the subconscious mind, where the cause of OCD stems. Did you know that the subconscious stores everything we have ever experienced, and then uses these experiences to manipulate how to feel and behave today? This means that before you can change your behaviors, you have to identify what experience is influencing them. During hypnosis, thoughts are focused inward, and your power of concentration is heightened. While in this state, we can aid you in determining the cause of these obsessive-compulsive behaviors and then reprogram your mind so that it understands that whatever it is that is causing your disorder has no place in your life today. When how your mind perceives these triggers is changed, the disorder can be released for good.
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Disclaimer: Results may vary from person to person
OCD hypnosis replaces the negative thoughts and feelings that lead to the anxiety and stress you feel with positive thoughts and feelings, helping you to overcome the pressures of OCD. We will help you be more in control of your actions and enhance your confidence and self-esteem.
Understanding Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD)
Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder, known as OCD, is like a pestering bug that just won’t leave you alone. We understand the struggles that living with OCD brings. You might be facing challenges such as:
- Constantly dodging certain places, individuals, or objects that could set off your obsessive thoughts.
- Engaging in excessive handwashing, cleaning, or repeated showering due to an overwhelming concern about germs and contamination.
- Frequently checking appliances, door locks, or car brakes, despite knowing deep down that everything’s in order.
- Feeling a compulsive need to arrange items in a specific order or to touch things a specific number of times.
- Getting caught in a loop of counting, tapping, or repeating particular words or phrases.
- Living under the shadow of a persistent fear of losing control or making mistakes.
These are signs that OCD is having a significant impact on your daily life. But you don’t have to face this alone.
This condition can sneak into a person’s life in many ways. For some, it’s passed down through their family tree—their genes. For others, it might come from the way their brain processes information. Perhaps, it could also sprout from past experiences or deeply rooted feelings.
Living with OCD isn’t easy. These constant thoughts and actions can throw a wrench into everyday activities. They can make it hard to focus at work or school, and sometimes even ruin social events. This happens because OCD can change a person’s behavior, making them feel nervous or isolated.
The Healing Power of Hypnosis for OCD
Getting rid of OCD isn’t as simple as knowing what makes the symptoms worse. That’s because OCD behaviors are not just habits; they’re deeply planted in a person’s mind. This is why other methods like hypnosis become so important in treatment.
Hypnosis is like a soothing balm for the anxious mind. It helps a person with OCD to relax and makes it easier for them to distinguish between ordinary thoughts and “OCD thoughts.” By learning to identify these OCD thoughts, a person can resist the urge to carry out the compulsive behaviors. It’s like learning to dodge the annoying pest that OCD is.
Journey into the Mind: OCD Hypnosis
Imagine your mind as an iceberg. Talk therapy—the kind you do while sitting and chatting with a therapist—only skims the tip of this iceberg. But hypnosis for OCD dives deeper. It taps into the part of your mind that’s hidden underwater—your subconscious.
Using hypnosis, hypnotherapists can suggest new behaviors, help boost your self-confidence, and soothe your anxiety—all while talking to the larger part of your mind. Hypnotherapy for OCD goes even further. It’s like a time machine, guiding you back to when your anxiety first started. By revisiting these moments under the direction of a professional guide, you can understand your OCD better and learn effective ways to manage it.
Hypnotherapy can help manage OCD by:
- Breaking the cycle of OCD thoughts and actions
- Reducing stress and anxiety
- Boosting self-confidence and self-worth
- Encouraging motivation for change
- Introducing healthier thought and behavior patterns
Understanding and Addressing Inner Conflicts

Often, a person’s own internal struggles can make OCD symptoms more intense, leading to a repeating cycle of heightened anxiety and worsening OCD behavior—a situation that’s often referred to as OCD flooding. For example, let’s say a person is deeply anxious about being close to others in a relationship. When they start to get closer to someone, their OCD symptoms might spike, making them feel even more anxious.
In such cases, regular cognitive therapy could accidentally make things worse, because it might stir up these anxieties even more. This is where hypnotherapy can help. Hypnotherapy is like a key, unlocking the door to the very root of the problem. It dives deep into the person’s mind, finding out why their fear of relationships triggers their OCD and working to resolve these fears.
Hypnotherapy as a Healing Process: Taking Control of OCD Fears
As someone grappling with OCD, you might find yourself unable to resist the urge to repeatedly wash your hands. This constant handwashing is more than just a habit; it’s your way of dealing with deep fear. This fear could come from a long time ago, perhaps from a time in your childhood when you felt unsafe or scared.
Hypnotherapy can take you back to when they first began to worry excessively about cleanliness. By revisiting these moments, you can confront your fears, understand them, and work towards addressing them. This process can provide immense relief and act as a first step towards overcoming your OCD.
A Guiding Light: The Hypnotherapist’s Role in Nurturing the Inner Child
The job of the hypnotherapist goes beyond the therapy sessions. They aim to help your ‘inner child,’ a term that signifies the part of your mind that may have experienced trauma or fear in the past.
The hypnotherapist guides you on a journey to your past, to the time when the trauma occurred. They then help you comfort your inner child, offering the reassurance and safety you lacked back then. This journey can be emotional, but it is also empowering. By addressing the original trauma and fear at such a deep level, the hypnotist can help lessen the intensity of OCD triggers.
As a result, you learn to manage your OCD behavior better. You begin to understand your OCD irrational fears and recognize that you don’t have to be controlled by them. This transformation is the true goal of hypnotherapy, making you feel safe and empowered enough to face your OCD head-on.
The Transformative Power of Hypnotherapy OCD
Hypnosis for OCD can disrupt the cycle of obsessive thoughts and compulsions by reducing anxiety and providing strategies to resist compulsions. One such strategy is ‘urge surfing,’ a method of acknowledging and moving with the urge instead of battling it. This change in thinking patterns can make OCD thoughts less distressing.
After healing from the initial trauma, obsessions and compulsions lose their power. The triggers are “neutralized,” giving the person more control over their life.
Hypnotherapy: A Solution for OCD and Fear
Living with OCD, you may often find it challenging to shift your focus away from your obsessive thoughts. It’s a significant struggle, but one that can be managed. Through hypnotherapy, we can provide you with strategies to gain a better handle on different facets of your personality. This increased understanding can lead to more control over your OCD-related behaviors. Remember, we understand what you’re experiencing and we’re here to help.
Relaxation, a critical part of hypnosis, allows people to combat anxiety naturally. Studies have shown hypnotherapy to be an effective and affordable treatment for anxiety disorders like OCD. Moreover, it typically requires fewer sessions than cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), a common OCD treatment.
Hypnosis helps change self-perceptions, eliminating destructive inner voices that fuel distressing thoughts. By addressing and transforming these thought patterns, individuals can break free from harmful habits.
Hence, hypnotherapy for OCD can be a transformative and empowering experience, enabling people to confront their OCD irrational fears head-on and make lasting changes in their lives.
Hypnosis for OCD is safe and natural and works quickly to help you overcome your obsessive-compulsive disorder. OCD Hypnosis reprograms how your subconscious mind reacts to the issues that drive your compulsions. It doesn’t matter what situation or event caused your OCD; hypnosis can reframe how your mind perceives that event so your disorder is eliminated. Hypnosis for OCD gives you back control of your life and replaces negative thoughts and feelings with pleasant and positive feelings.