Do you feel isolated from the world?
Are you unable to shake persistent feelings of sadness?
Do you avoid activities you used to enjoy?
Are you fatigued but can’t seem to get a good night’s sleep?
Do you feel as though your thoughts control you?
Are you restless and irritable at the same time?
Do you feel numb and lost?

Dealing with depression is debilitating. Whether you find it difficult to get out of bed, eat regular meals, avoid all the things you used to love, or if you feel hopeless about the world around you, hypnosis can help overcome depression.
Medications only treat the symptoms of depression – not the underlying cause behind it. If you stop taking your medication, all the symptoms will come back. Many people who are dealing with depression turn to conventional therapy – but even that’s not enough, because it only addresses your conscious feelings and beliefs.
Symptoms of depression
Irritability, frustration, and anger
Persistent sadness
Difficulty concentrating
Never feeling good enough
Feeling disconnected from the world
Ruminating thoughts
Fatigue or diminished energy levels
Insomnia or broken/interrupted sleep
Unhealthy eating patterns
Difficulty with decision making
Suicidal thoughts
Feelings of guilt and shame
Aches and pains that do not respond to normal treatment
Diminished sex drive
Substance abuse
The Subconscious Mind
Our subconscious holds many of our beliefs, emotions, and memories. Most of the time, the subconscious works well for us. For instance, because of the unconscious, when we see a red balloon, we can immediately tell what it is. We may even connect an emotion with the balloon. This instant recognition is all due to the subconscious.
The unconscious links emotions to old memories and experiences. Unfortunately, because of this, sometimes negative things stay in our subconscious. For example, your subconscious may connect red balloons with happy childhood birthdays. And, as an adult, every time you see a red balloon you feel happy. But if your subconscious associates a scary clown with a red balloon from your childhood nightmares instead, you might become fearful of red balloons—even as an adult.
So, our reactions and emotions are ruled by our subconscious. We feel the way our subconscious wants us to feel. We do so even if we know it’s not rational. Although we know red balloons are harmless, we might still freeze in fear when we see one!
Feeling in control of your thoughts and emotions
Reconnecting with loved ones
Feeling recharged and energized
Experiencing a sense of peace and happiness
Getting back to a normal daily routine
Thinking clearly and confidently
Finding Passion and Feeling Fulfilled
Feeling Liberated and Empowered
Being Decisive
Depression’s Root Causes
Depression is linked deeply with the subconscious. Many of the causes of depression; anxiety, bad memories, negative thought patterns, and poor self-esteem are created in, or influenced by the subconscious. Other symptoms, or byproducts of depression, like substance abuse, insomnia, and weight gain create a downward spiral of unhealthy feelings.
We may think of depression as one illness. The truth is that it can be caused by many things. It can also make other problems worse. Depression can be a combination of issues, each affecting one another.
Depression can be part of a negative thought pattern in the subconscious. Sometimes, this creates other life challenges. A person may start using drugs because of feelings of depression. But their drug addiction can also make them feel depressed, creating a looping cycle of depression and addiction.
The Many Ways Hypnosis Helps to Lift Depression
Hypnotic techniques can address the root causes as well as the symptoms of depression. This is accomplished by:
Identifying, and disassociating from negative experiences and thought patterns
Processing and reframing traumatic experiences
Redirecting negative emotions and trains of thought
Replacing limiting thoughts and behaviors with positive responses and habits
Managing and relieving anxiety and stress
Boosting self-esteem and confidence
Normalizing sleep quality and cultivating healthy eating patterns
Improving focus and motivation
Developing self-love
Treating Depression with Hypnosis
One way to break the cycle of depression is with hypnosis. Hypnosis helps to relieve the issues at the heart of depression. Because hypnosis can access the subconscious, a certified hypnotist can pinpoint or uncover the root causes of depression.
Hypnosis for depression can also help deal with the problems that impact the cycle of depression. By changing negative self-talk, the way we view memories, drug abuse, and stress, hypnosis can break those toxic links.
Insomnia, for example, can cause depression. In turn, depression can keep someone awake at night. Hypnosis can help determine what’s causing the insomnia and address it, helping to stop depression and break the cycle.
Another example is weight gain. Depression can lead to weight gain, which can lead to poor self-esteem and depression. Hypnosis can locate and release/reframe the triggering event leading to weight loss, better self-esteem, and a decrease in depression. Helping one issue can lead to improvements in other areas.
A certified hypnotist can also program your mind to change habits leading to depression. If the root cause is negative self-talk, a hypnotherapist can help eliminate negative thinking. This guides your thoughts to follow a more positive, healthier path. Hypnosis can also help curb addictive cravings. Lastly, hypnosis focuses on reframing bad memories. Hypnosis instead shifts thinking to positive memories. Thus, letting you view your past in a healthier light. Hypnotherapy is an excellent way to treat depression.
Complements Other Treatment Options
With hypnosis, you can still take part in other treatments without worry. Because hypnosis is medication-free, it can be used alone or with other treatments. You can use hypnosis, even if you have been prescribed medication for depression. Treatments, like cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), can also be used along with hypnosis.
Scientific Research Supporting Hypnotherapy for Depression
Participants who utilized Cognitive Behavioral Therapy along with hypnosis responded better than 75% of participants who received therapy without hypnosis.
This scientific study found that hypnosis is an effective way to address not only symptoms of depression but overall thinking and mood.
10 scientific studies which included 13 trials found that hypnosis was 76% more effective in treating depression
Symptoms of depression
The scientific data showed that hypnotherapy was able to significantly alleviate anxiety
Another study showed that clinical hypnosis has been an effective intervention in sleep quality in the case of patients presenting insomnia accompanied by rumination.
The group that received hypnosis in this study lost significantly more weight.
Hypnosis for Substance Abuse. 2 Years Later 78% remained clean. A study of drug addicts who used either heroin, cocaine, or marijuana were monitored for 2 years after utilizing hypnosis. 78% stayed clean of heroin and 100% remained free of cocaine and marijuana.
How does Hypnosis for Depression Work?
Hypnosis for depression addresses the problem in your subconscious mind. After all, your subconscious is where most of your thoughts and actions come from – including all the emotions and physical symptoms associated with depression. By re-focusing your subconscious mind, you can overcome your depression symptoms and even eliminate the issues that are causing your depression in the first place!
During hypnosis for depression, you and your consulting hypnotist will work to modify and eliminate the subconscious beliefs and desires that are driving your depression. Your subconscious mind is like a giant filing cabinet that holds a record of everything you’ve ever experienced. Unfortunately, your subconscious can blow memories out of proportion. If your subconscious gives too much credence to a particular event in your past, it can alter the way you feel and behave today.
Once the sensitizing events are discovered, your certified hypnotist can change the way your unconscious mind perceives those events from your past. This unconscious shift in perspective can allow you to experience a positive outlook on life.Hypnosis is a natural state, that when achieved, allows your hypnotist to access your unconscious mind. Once a client is guided into hypnosis, we at the NYC Hypnosis Center can then give positive suggestions directly to the unconscious mind.
By re-training your unconscious, you can let go of the past with hypnosis – and move forward with your life in a healthier, more productive way!
A New York Overcome Depression Hypnosis session can retrain your mind to:
Eliminate your Sadness and/or Fear completely
Think Optimistically
Provide you with the freedom to Move Forward with Your Life
Experience Happiness and Peace
Feel Loveable and Good

Disclaimer: Results may vary from person to person