Do you feel detached and emotionally numb?
Is it difficult to get a good night’s rest?
Do you have flashbacks that trigger anxiety?
Do you have recurring nightmares?
Whether you had a rough childhood, a prior relationship that ended badly, or a trauma that had a profound effect on you, letting go of the past is the only way to truly move forward. While it may seem insurmountable, it is possible to let go of the past with hypnosis.
No matter what kind of past trauma you have suffered, the pain you are feeling over it today comes directly from your subconscious – the part of your mind that is responsible for most of the thoughts and actions you have. For some reason, your subconscious is “stuck”; it won’t let you get over the trauma, no matter how hard you try.
When you overcome sadness with hypnosis, you teach your subconscious to have a better reaction to the situation. It doesn’t mean that thinking about your past trauma won’t make you sad at all – but that sadness will no longer consume your entire life.
Accepting and Coming to Terms with Past Trauma
Feeling Energetic and Motivated to Live Life Fully
Being Free from Intrusive Thoughts
Feeling Calm and at Peace

Many times, in order to overcome a past trauma with hypnosis, you have to teach yourself that the trauma was an independent event. No matter how horrible it was, that doesn’t mean that it’s going to happen again and again.
For example, if your mother died in a car accident, your subconscious mind might be convinced that all car rides are deadly – so you have a panic attack anytime your kids get into the car to go somewhere. However, by making your subconscious understand that the car crash has nothing to do with your kids’ safety in the car today, you won’t feel anxious or terrified anymore.
Hypnosis can help reprogram your mind and facilitate behavioral change.
The NYC Hypnosis Center 3 Step Overcome Trauma Hypnosis Program Can Help You
- Replace Negative Thoughts with Truthful Statements
- Assist in Reprogramming the Way You Think About Loss and Trauma
- Teach Self Hypnosis for Daily Reinforcement
By re-training your subconscious, you can let go of the past with hypnosis – and move forward with your life in a healthier, more productive way!
Exploring the Nature of Trauma
A startling statistic reveals that around 70% of adults in the United States have encountered trauma, particularly childhood trauma, impacting their lives in varying degrees. Trauma can be categorized broadly into two types:
- Significant Trauma or “Big T Trauma,” encompassing scenarios like the death of a parent, physical or sexual abuse, significant accidents, being witness to a heinous crime, or enduring a natural disaster.
- Minor Trauma or “Little T Trauma,” which includes events such as public humiliation, minor injuries, romantic breakups, or experiences of bullying.
Dismantling the Myth of Forgetting
Many of us foster the misconception that forgetting is the key to overcoming traumatic memories or troubling past experiences. However, the truth is far from this widely held belief. The act of forgetting isn’t a practical or viable solution, as our minds tend to store these experiences in deep, hidden compartments, only for them to resurface unexpectedly, often with heightened emotional distress. In reality, it’s not about erasing these memories but altering how they affect us. Through techniques like hypnotherapy, we can adjust the narrative and emotional context tied to these memories, reducing their power to cause pain or discomfort. So, it’s time we dismantle the myth of forgetting and embrace the more therapeutic approach of memory reinterpretation and transformation.
Tailored Hypnosis Sessions for Trauma Management
At our practice, we understand that trauma is unique to each individual. Hence, we offer a diverse array of hypnosis sessions tailored to various traumatic experiences:
- Hypnosis for PTSD (Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder)
- Hypnosis for Trauma following Major Accidents or Injuries
- Hypnosis for Survivors of Natural Disasters or War
- Hypnosis for Traumatic Abuse (Physical, Psychological, Sexual, Child abuse, etc.)
- Hypnosis for Professionals subjected to Trauma (Police, Firefighters, Paramedics, Soldiers, etc.)
- Hypnosis for Trauma following the loss of a loved one
- Hypnosis for Trauma from Past Events and in Childhood
- Hypnosis for Trauma from Past Dysfunctional Relationships
- Hypnosis specifically for childhood traumas and unresolved memories
Unraveling the Emotive Response to Memories through Hypnosis
Trauma experienced without adequate support can disrupt emotional stability and trigger dysfunctional psychological responses in adulthood. Essentially, your body’s emotional system may become imbalanced due to this unresolved trauma, especially those related to childhood. Hypnosis for trauma offers a means to help restore this balance, guiding you through a process of understanding and effectively responding to these emotional disruptions. It works towards breaking the patterns of dysfunction and reinstating emotional stability, aiding in the process of healing and recovery.
Addressing Challenges through Memory Reinterpretation
Certain emotional hurdles can profoundly benefit from memory transformation, a process intrinsic to hypnotherapy. Memory transformation is an intricate process wherein distressing past events are revisited and their perception is altered, helping to disengage the intense emotional reactions tied to them. This novel perception of past events can be instrumental in managing several areas of psychological challenges.
Our memories, coupled with the thoughts and emotions they evoke, have a unique adaptability and malleability, making us susceptible to alterations and amenable to minor shifts in their initial interpretation. As our mind revisits a memory, there’s a continual subtle reshaping of its minor elements, a phenomenon that we may not always consciously recognize.
Through the transformative potential of trauma hypnotherapy, it is possible to redefine what a specific memory symbolizes for you, altering how it makes you feel, and adjusting your response to it when new associations and narratives are created and linked to that memory. While these alterations need not reflect actual events, they should be plausible and in harmony with your perception.
Hypnotherapy serves as a powerful instrument for this ‘re-editing’ process, enabling the transformation of your emotional landscape and your negative associations with a memory. Memories can be reframed in a manner conducive to your therapeutic goals in hypnotherapy. As you evolve your emotional response to the memory, your whole perception of it changes, leading to an amelioration in mental discomfort and adverse physiological reactions.
While complete erasure of memories may not be possible, you can certainly alter specific thoughts, emotions, and behavioral responses associated with the memory. Trauma hypnotherapy doesn’t aim to change the ‘raw’ memory as such, but rather how you recall it, by emancipating the emotional response tied to the memory and thereby, alleviating the symptom.
Challenges that Often Require a Re-Editing of Memories
Phobias and Irrational Fears
Facing phobias and irrational fears? They often grow from the seeds of our past experiences, watered by haunting memories. Hypnotherapy—by reinterpreting memories—can alter emotional responses, paving a path to confront and triumph over these fear-inducing shadows.
Low Self-Confidence & Self-Esteem
Do you struggle with self-confidence and self-esteem? Memories tinged with negativity can be the culprit, their gnawing presence eroding our self-perception. But despair not. Hypnotherapy is an ally, ‘re-editing’ those memories and reweaving the emotional fabric tied to them.
Challenging Relationship Dynamics
Then there are the challenges in relationship dynamics, shaped and twisted by past entanglements. Unhealthy patterns emerge, casting a gloom on future relationships. Yet, there’s hope. Hypnosis can be the beacon, guiding us to alter our emotional reactions to past relationship echoes, fostering healthier dynamics in the process.
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder is a cruel aftermath of tormenting memories, a harbinger of emotional upheaval. The role of hypnotherapy and memory reinterpretation becomes pivotal here. With their power, PTSD sufferers can learn to refashion their responses to these memories, relieving PTSD symptoms and heralding an improvement in mental wellbeing.
Anchoring Resource States
A fundamental component of hypnosis treatment for trauma involves the practice of anchoring resource states. This concept, known as “anchoring,” is centered around the replacement of painful triggers with symbols or cues that induce feelings of positivity, such as assurance, security, or empowerment. Once a traumatic memory is confronted and managed effectively, these anchors serve as mental placeholders, allowing the individual to readily access these resourceful emotional states. The process of anchoring these positive feelings can significantly contribute to the individual’s resilience and emotional stability, thus empowering them to better manage their trauma-related responses.
Consequences of Parental Influences on Child’s Perception of Self-Worth

A child’s upbringing significantly shapes their perception of self-worth and behavior in adulthood. Children growing up with parents dealing with depression, financial hardships, isolation, or Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) may intuitively recognize the fragility of their caregiver’s emotional state. In such cases, they often repress their own needs, believing that expressing these could exacerbate their parent’s distress. This subconscious internalization of fear and pain can lead to an ingrained belief that their worthiness is contingent upon their ability to care for others, inadvertently transforming them into chronic people-pleasers or caretakers in their adult lives.
Children may also encounter a different yet equally impactful form of trauma when their parents tie their approval to their achievements. Growing up in such achievement-oriented environments may instill in them an intense pressure to constantly perform and excel. This could drive them towards an unhealthy extreme – workaholism, as they endlessly chase the elusive approval, wrongly equating their worth with their productivity.
Then there’s a third group of children, those growing up in homes where parents fail to tune into their unique personalities. The result? An overwhelming sense of invisibility, a gnawing feeling of inadequacy. All these scenarios can instill a deep-seated belief that their value lies in pleasing others or constant achievement.
Hypnosis for Trauma from Childhood
Childhood trauma can often lay the groundwork for emotional dysregulation, leading to a host of maladaptive patterns, compromised self-worth, and enduring emotional pain. These challenges may persist, often unaddressed or unnoticed, as the individuals affected may outwardly appear to lead a normal life. However, beneath this façade of normalcy, these individuals may struggle with internal dilemmas, intense feelings of guilt, and a deep sense of shame. Hypnosis for childhood trauma can serve as an effective tool in these circumstances, offering a means to confront these long-standing issues, resolve internal conflicts, and nurture a healthier self-image. By addressing the root cause of these difficulties, hypnosis for childhood trauma aids in the transformation of these debilitating patterns, ultimately facilitating personal growth and healing.
Scientific Backing for Trauma Hypnosis
Various studies highlight the efficacy of hypnosis for trauma. A study led by D. Spiegel and E. Cardena demonstrated that hypnotherapy for PTSD could be a valuable treatment, given the parallels between the hypnotic state and the trauma response.
Interestingly, the same study also found that Vietnam veterans suffering from PTSD exhibited higher hypnotizability than typical rates, further cementing the connection between trauma and hypnosis.
Significantly, a meta-analysis encompassing six studies on hypnotherapy illustrated that PTSD hypnosis appreciably diminished PTSD symptoms among participants. Regardless of the trauma’s specific details, individuals who participated in hypnotherapy reported a decrease in their symptoms, underlining the profound impact of hypnosis in managing trauma.
Revolutionizing Trauma Treatment
In our practice, we employ a diverse range of cutting-edge techniques designed for trauma treatment. This includes Exposure therapy, the reshaping of memories, mindfulness methodologies, solidifying positive resource states, and EMDR. By blending these methods, we are effectively able to reduce the distress associated with trauma in our clients, providing them with a path to regain control over their lives.
Moreover, by integrating these hypnotic methodologies, we can facilitate a better comprehension for our clients about the negative cyclical interaction between their biological alterations post-trauma and their present emotional condition and responses. This heightened understanding is a crucial step in their healing journey.
A New York Overcome Trauma Hypnosis session can retrain your mind to:
Eliminate your Sadness and/or Fear completely
Provide you with the freedom to Move Forward with Your Life