Are you one of those people who waits until the very last minute to write that term paper, prepare for that job interview, or pack for that big vacation?
Do You Find Yourself Scrambling to Get Things Done?
We’ve all been there before. You’re working hard on a project or task when suddenly you hear a notification coming from your phone. After picking it up to check what it is, you find yourself scrolling over to Twitter or Instagram to see what’s going on in your social media feed for a few minutes. Next thing you know, you’ve just spent the last hour looking through your old pictures and have made little to no progress on the previous activity that you were working on.
You may like to call it “performing under pressure”, but, the truth is, you’re a procrastinator. But thanks to hypnosis for procrastination, you don’t have to be one anymore!
When you procrastinate, you know that you should be working, studying, or packing, but you just don’t want to. You’d rather be hanging out with your friends, watching TV, or taking a nap. Unfortunately, that sets off a dangerous chain of events.

You wind up putting things off for so long that you become overwhelmed – meaning that your chances of performing as well as you normally would have if you had started sooner goes down. As a result, you start to feel guilty, and may even start to feel badly about yourself.
It’s a cycle that’s very common – that can also be very damaging.
However, you can avoid this by taking advantage of hypnosis for procrastination.
Getting your projects done with plenty of time to spare
Easily concentrating on the task at hand
Enjoying the satisfaction of a job well done
Why is it so hard to focus on the tasks at hand?
While this may be a common issue for many of us today, hypnotherapy is an alternative solution that can be used to help alleviate some of these issues. By tapping into the subconscious mind, hypnosis can help people identify the root cause of their procrastination and change the way they think to help improve their productivity. Despite being an effective tool to help us recalibrate our minds, not many are familiar with hypnosis and how it can be used to stop procrastination.
Fear of failure
Sometimes when we’re afraid that we won’t succeed in doing certain things, we decide to avoid doing them altogether because we don’t want to fail. By not even trying, we’re letting the fear of failure dictate our everyday actions and avoiding the feeling of regret or disappointment.
To get past the fear of failure, we must train our subconscious minds to accept the fact that it’s ok to fail and that it’s a natural part of being human. Through the use of hypnotherapy, we’re able to change these beliefs within our subconscious and start to change the approach that we take to completing various tasks.
Regardless of what we’re doing in our lives, we always want to be able to do it to the best of our ability. Sometimes our desire to do the best possible job that we’re capable of, sets unreasonably high expectations for ourselves that may be difficult to achieve.
Moving past perfectionism requires us to release the negative thought processes that we have around being perfect in everything that we do. Hypnosis can help people retrain their minds to introduce more positive thinking patterns and get more tasks completed in a timely fashion.
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Disclaimer: Results may vary from person to person
What is Hypnosis?
Our subconscious minds control pretty much every automatic response and our beliefs. We’ve learned all the beliefs, motivations, and ideas that we’ve had over time through the experiences that we’ve had in our lives. Hypnosis can be used to access, and teach the inner mind, to respond appropriately.
The main goal of using hypnotherapy is to work directly with our subconscious to empower our minds to make better decisions that are helpful. It can help eliminate any self-doubt or fear that you may be harboring internally that may be preventing you from completing specific tasks. This is one of the main reasons why people decide to procrastinate in the first place.
What does hypnotherapy for procrastination entail?
Hypnosis is induced by helping the patient achieve a state of relaxation to unlock the subconscious mind. This along with a combination of deep breathing techniques, guided imagery, and body relaxation techniques to help initiate the process. During this state, the mind becomes more receptive to suggestions and information while also being able to retain that knowledge long-term. Through this process, we can start to reprogram the subconscious mind and start creating positive changes to our lifestyle.

Hypnosis is a process where patients are guided by a hypnotist into a state of relaxation and heightened concentration. While in this state, the hypnotist can identify the events or root causes of certain underlying patterns and problems that their clients may have, such as procrastination. A child who is expected to be perfect may grow to be an adult who procrastinates to avoid failure.
Hypnosis is actually a natural state of mind that we experience regularly when we lose track of time or daydream. While some people believe that people aren’t cognizant of their environment while being hypnotized, clients are awake and aware of their surroundings, while being in control the whole time.
How does hypnosis for procrastination work?
Procrastination is a habit – much like biting your nails, eating in front of the TV late at night, or chewing on the end of a pen cap. Like all your other habits, procrastination is a byproduct of your subconscious mind. Unless you access your subconscious to make the necessary changes, your procrastination will continue to be an issue.
That’s why hypnosis for procrastination is so effective. It provides a certified hypnotist with access to your subconscious mind so that a permanent change can be made!
During your sessions, you and your consulting hypnotist will work on ways to help your subconscious focus on the task at hand – a process called “hypnosis for concentration”. Your hypnotist will accomplish this by teaching your subconscious just how important these projects, tests, and interviews are. If your subconscious views these as important tasks – rather than a chore that you’d rather not do – it will devote more of an effort to concentrate on them.
Another aspect of hypnosis involves teaching your subconscious how good it feels to complete the task at hand. Whether it’s finishing a term paper a day or two before it’s due or getting everything clean several hours before your house guests arrive, completing important tasks comes with a great deal of satisfaction. You simply don’t get that kind of satisfaction when you are rushing to get everything done at the last minute.
During hypnosis for procrastination, you can teach your subconscious to look forward to that satisfaction and, in turn, develop the power to get to work sooner, with more focus and concentration!
In order to change your tendency to put things off, you have to tap into your subconscious. That’s the area of your mind that controls most of your emotions and habits. Simply addressing your procrastination on a conscious level isn’t enough; you have to actively engage your subconscious to see results.
Procrastination hypnosis helps replace the negative subconscious thoughts which lead to lack of focus and follow through with more pleasant and positive subconscious thoughts and feelings. The NYC Hypnosis Center specializes in helping clients overcome procrastination.
Does hypnosis for procrastination really work?
One of the more recent studies by ScienceDirect in 2012 that examined 60 patients found that hypnotherapy was able to help them reduce their procrastination and alleviate their stress/anxiety. After the study was completed, the participants scored a lower procrastination score compared to when they first started suggesting that hypnotherapy was able to help them.
Another older study from 1975 examined the use of hypnosis to help college students procrastinate less & found that around 50% of them were able to get ahold of their procrastination after taking part in the study. It helped them increase their motivation for their studies and reduce their testing anxiety to help them move past their habit of procrastination.
If you’re tired of constantly scrambling to get things done at the last minute, then you should consider hypnosis for procrastination.
A New York Procrastination Hypnosis session can retrain your mind to
Eliminate your Procrastination completely
Provide you with the ability to enjoy getting tasks completed sooner rather than later
To Focus Completely on the Important Task at Hand