Do you have sleepless nights before giving a speech?
Do you freeze up or forget your lines while presenting?
Does the thought of speaking publicly cause your heart to race?
If you have a fear of public speaking, know that you are not alone. In fact, speaking in front of a large group is an extremely widespread fear, and one that can be so intense that some people are more afraid of public speaking than of death!
Most people feel stress at the thought of public speaking, though people who are afraid of speaking in front of a group may experience many physical symptoms that include sweating and shaking, nausea, mental blanks and an unsteady voice and dry mouth.
Speaking Effortlessly and Confidently in front of large audiences
Feeling Calm and Relaxed prior to a speech or presentation
Looking forward to public speaking opportunities
Self Fulfilling Prophecy

Just thinking about your upcoming presentation causes all these feelings and racing thoughts. You have practiced so many times but you still think you will fall flat on your face. Worrying about forgetting everything you have to say or that everyone around you will think you don’t know what you are talking about can increase your anxiety. You are afraid you will blush, your voice will shake and that it will go terribly. All this negative self talk will affect how you perform. Any time you have an upcoming presentation, all these thoughts of self doubt and fears creep in at a hundred miles an hour. Your irrational fears take over completely. It creates a self fulfilling prophecy, specifically if you feel that your presentation will go badly then it does.
Your Thought Patterns and Negativity Take Over
You know your presentation, you know the material, you spent weeks preparing. Once you stand there and everyone is looking at you, all that preparation goes out the window. Your anxiety takes over and you totally lose focus on what you are saying and mix up your words. You don’t even really know what you are saying because you just focus on this being over.
So why does this happen? First of all, you put too much pressure on yourself for everything to be perfect. You have an unrealistic picture of success and are setting yourself up for failure. Furthermore, you may walk into a noisy room to present and not know how to control the situation. You don’t have the self confidence that things will go smoothly. You start misinterpreting your audience thinking they have no interest in what you have to say and then you get in your own way of performing at your best.
Hypnosis can help reprogram your mind and facilitate behavioral change.
The NYC Hypnosis Center Program Introduces Suggestions To Help
- To Promote Clear Headedness
- Identify the Source of the Anxiety
- Create a New Response to Fear Producing Stimulus
- Build Self Esteem and Self Respect
- Develop a positive attitude
- Increase Overall Confidence and Motivation
Hypnosis Testimonial for Public Speaking & Social Anxiety
Disclaimer: Results may vary from person to person
When it comes to public speaking, hypnosis can be a very powerful tool in overcoming fear. Hypnosis is designed to change the way you perceive things by putting you into a very relaxed state. During this state, you are fully in control, highly focused, and receptive to positive suggestions. If you can change the way you react to the experience of speaking in front of large groups of people, you will no longer fear it.
What Triggers a Public Speaking Phobia?
Fears tend to result from three main life events or experiences. They include trauma, parental impact on childhood, or observing something terrifying. These factors can cover a very wide range of experiences. The root cause of the fear likely stems from a childhood experience. This experience must be reframed so that the subconscious mind understands that the flight response or fear is no longer necessary.
Hypnosis is a natural state, that when achieved, allows your hypnotist to access your subconscious mind. When you watch a movie, read a book, or focus on a project at work and lose track of time, you are experiencing hypnosis. Once a client is guided into hypnosis, we at the NY Hypnosis Institute can then give positive suggestions directly to the subconscious mind.

However, this anxiety isn’t just physical. With a fear, your subconscious mind takes over. Your subconscious is like the hard drive on your computer; it records every memory and every experience you’ve ever had – even if you don’t actually remember them all!
Chances are something in your past is to blame. However, it’s not uncommon for the subconscious mind to blow things out of proportion, so you may not even remember the past event that has led to your current fear! Your public speaking fear could be a result of having to give an oral report in school that you weren’t prepared for, or even something as minor as watching someone else struggle through a speech.
Instead of seeing those types of things as isolated incidents, your subconscious is convinced that the same embarrassment and awkwardness will happen again if you have to speak in public – so it responds with those strong physical and emotional symptoms.
So how will public speaking hypnosis counteract all of that?
Hypnosis allows us to tap into and overcome these detrimental thoughts and beliefs that are holding you back from achieving success. Hypnotherapy is highly effective at overcoming fears because it helps identify those destructive patterns and eliminate those thoughts and beliefs. Accessing the subconscious mind and shifting the way you think about presenting is the key to driving self confidence and reducing anxiety.
The thought of presenting can initiate a fight or flight response. All these thoughts go swirling in your mind, that fear of not being liked, that fear they will think you are not smart, not fitting in are beliefs without a real basis that can all be addressed through hypnotherapy. Once your mind shifts how you view public speaking and removes that fight or flight response, you can begin to feel more confident and have a more realistic and positive view of yourself and what success looks like.
How Hypnosis for Public Speaking Helps
These negative thought patterns are deeply embedded in the subconscious. You may have witnessed something in childhood or had your own negative experience that deeply affected you. Now that you are an adult and after years of reinforcing these fears, you believe you are a poor public speaker. You may not even consciously remember the incident that you have carried to adulthood. Now you sweat and your anxiety goes through the roof every time you think of giving a presentation. This ongoing cycle of self doubt keeps playing in your head like a broken record.
During an NYC Hypnosis Center public speaking hypnosis session, you can identify the event from your past that has been blown out of proportion. Your hypnotist can then reframe the way your subconscious mind perceives that event, allowing the fear and anxiety to be released. Essentially your hypnotist will teach your subconscious that those negative experiences from your past have nothing to do with your speech or presentation today.
In addition, during a NYC Hypnosis Center public speaking session, your subconscious can be trained to associate speaking in public with positive emotions – instead of the negative ones it is currently falling back on. By teaching your subconscious to react to public speaking with happiness and excitement, you can take the stage with confidence, a strong voice, and a sincere smile! We have helped everyone from coaches to CEOs to overcome their fear and we can help you!
Fascinating Scientific Data About Hypnosis for Overcoming Public Speaking Fear
This scientific study showed that hypnotherapy helped to minimize both the expected anxiety before speaking and experienced anxiety whille public speaking. The study initiated by Nancy Schoenberger with oversight by Profession Irving Kirsch was conducted with subjects exhibiting a strong fear of public speaking. The study was based on Heimberg’s existing protocol for social phobias. Each treatment group had five 2 hour sessions. The difference is one group combined hypnotherapy with cognitive behavioral therapy while the other group did cognitive behavioral therapy only. The group that incorporated hypnotherapy did have significantly more favorable results across the various outcome measures which included very positive results with overall anxiety levels. In fact the team took it a step further, reviewing different study outcomes as well. In fact, they found hypnosis improved results for between 70 – 90% of the participants in which hypnosis was incorporated.
A New York Hypnosis Public Speaking session can retrain your mind to:
Eliminate your old public speaking fear
Provide you with the right level of adrenalin and excitement
Allow you to actually enjoy giving presentations
Utilizing hypnosis, public speaking can actually become something you enjoy!