Visualize you are able to sleep through the night without soggy sheets and pajamas. Imagine feeling so confident of waking up dry that you actually do….
If you or your loved one suffers nocturnal enuresis, or nighttime bedwetting, you are probably asking yourself
“Why does this happen to me?”
“What would my friends think of me if they knew?”
“Am I ever going to be past this?”
Nocturnal enuresis is often caused because you sleep too deeply to awake in response to the body’s urge to relieve the bladder. For children and young adults, bedwetting can mean decreased self-esteem, low grades, decreased social interaction, and mood disorders. In fact, the longer a person wets the bed, the more inclined they are to suffer the negative effects. Some children and adults are even diagnosed with Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). Hypnosis for bedwetting can change all that, quickly and safely.
Waking up dry, every morning
Enjoying your favorite pajamas and softest sheets, every night, without concern over whether you will ruin them
Feeling positive and happy about yourself and your life
Hypnosis for bedwetting can help you or your loved one overcome nocturnal enuresis by changing your subconscious involvement in how deeply you sleep. Because bedwetting can be caused by an underlying medical condition, it is important that you see a physician for treatments; however, bedwetting hypnosis can be used in conjunction with your treatment plan.
Stop Bedwetting hypnosis is highly effective because it combines several techniques that help you relax, sleep better, feel better, and get control of your bladder. Best of all, hypnosis for bedwetting works for children and adults and has no negative side effects, because it is completely safe and natural.
The NYC Stop Bedwetting Hypnosis Program Helps You
- Determine Bladder Urges that Wake You or your loved one Up at Night
- Assist in Identifying the Trigger for Enuresis
- Provide Tools that Reinforce the Change

Hypnosis works by reprogramming the mind so that it recognizes bladder urges, and wakes you so you can stay dry in bed. However, hypnosis will also help with the frustration, sadness, and anxiety you probably experience each time you wet the bed. Odds are, if you have wet the bed on more than a few occasions you probably feel guilt, embarrassment, and a great deal of stress. Hypnosis can help you get past these feelings quickly, while increasing positive feelings and motivation.
When adults wet the bed for no physical reason, hypnosis can be extremely beneficial in helping you to identify the cause or trigger for enuresis, and then eliminate those thoughts, feelings, or behaviors. It is a highly effective way to get to the root of the problem, because it works within the subconscious, where these negative thoughts or actions are stored.
Hypnosis for bedwetting is a fast and easy way to identify the root cause of the problem and eliminate it forever. Unlike some other therapies, hypnosis has no risky side effects and is completely natural and safe. Hypnosis for bedwetting eliminates the problem so you can get a full night of restful sleep and wake up dry and happy, every morning, and get on with enjoying your life.

Disclaimer: Results may vary from person to person